Developer guide#

Build the package#

To build the package just run:

python bdist_wheel

This will create an installable wheel file under dist/neofox-x.y.z.whl.

Install the package#

Install the wheel file as follows:

pip install dist/neofox-x.y.z.whl

Run integration tests#

To run the integration tests make sure you have a file .env that contains the environment variables described in the configuration section.

Run the integration tests as follows:

python -m unittest discover neofox.tests.integration_tests

The integration tests run over some real datasets and they take some time to run.

The integration test that runs the whole program over a relevant dataset can be run as follows:

python -m unittest neofox.tests.integration_tests.test_neofox

Regression tests#

This last test (ie: test_neofox) writes its output to a file named neofox/tests/resources/output_yyyymmddHHMMSS.txt. If there is an existing file named neofox/tests/resources/output_previous.txt then it loads both files in memory and compares them. It outputs whether there are some lost or gained columns and for the common columns it evaluates if the values are the same. If they are the same the file output_previous.txt is overwritten by the new file, otherwise it outputs the details of the differing columns.

Run unit tests#

The unit tests do not have any dependency and they finish in seconds.

Run the unit tests as follows:

python -m unittest discover neofox.tests.unit_tests


Logs are written to the standard error and to the output folder by default. Optionally they can be written to a file by setting the environment variable NEOFOX_LOGFILE pointing to the desired file.

Build the protocol buffers models#

The protocol buffers model rely on the betterproto library. Install it as follows:

pip install "betterproto[compiler]"

The models and the required scripts are in the folder neofox/models

Build the models into Python code with make models.

Build the HTML documentation with make html (this requires docker).